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4 Ways to Upgrade Your Current Deck

A Knowledgeable Deck Builder Advises

A lot of deck builders advise their clients to upgrade their decks after years of service. A simple installation of new flooring or railings can make it look more attractive and safer. Specialists often call the process “re-decking”. This is a smart way for homeowners to save money by updating some of the components of their existing home additions. But be careful, a deck builder can tell you need upgrading while you might need a whole new deck.

So, the thin line between a new installation and updating is the thorough and professional upfront inspection. Using wooden framing, posts, and footers can become dangerous over time. But of course, this will also depend on how old your structure is and your personal preferences. Deck upgrades vary widely in types and costs. The best time to plan such a project is the fall before the cold winter hits. A scrupulous builder may suggest the following changes and upgrades:

  • Repairing and staining; Before you add anything to your current deck, we suggest you give it a good clean and stain. Using a pressure washer carefully is one way to remove filth, grime, and debris efficiently. You can re-stain your deck flooring afterward by making sure it will protect the material from the elements.

  • Adding new outdoor furniture; Upholstered build-in benches are a great idea. They offer comfort and beauty. If you also add a few cushions, you will make everyone resting on them feel comfy.

  • Adding an interesting rug; Covering the floor of your outdoor structure is another thing you can do to update your deck. Stepping on it on a hot summer day with bare feet brings pleasure and makes the space more interesting.

  • Adding natural colors; Adding a beautiful and colorful garden around your current deck is another way to make the place look like new. Whether a garden with beautiful flowers or green hedging will be your choice, it will add to your home’s curb appeal.

Do you need to consult with a professional deck builder about the most suitable options for your deck upgrading? Are you in Savannah, GA? By all means, get in touch with J. Waller Custom Carpentry, LLC and take advantage of our commendable and affordable services. For more details, you can call us at (912) 319-0178.

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